Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.
Learn what it takes to start your own Apparel Business and get the skills required to build a business plan, understand the nuance of working with buyers, customers and suppliers.
A successful entrepreneur knows that creating the product is only 10% of the work, selling it is 90% of the work. Entrepreneurs can be manufacturers producing a line and selling it to others, a store owner producing a line and selling it in the owner’s store or a store owner selling clothes from independent designers. All need to know how a well-made garment is designed and produced—as well as how to market it.
Our Course Catalog has the complete details of the requirements to complete this certificate: list of required classes, electives, course descriptions and more.
1 block north of NE 43rd & Sandy
BUS: #12 bus
MAX: 7 blocks from the Hollywood MAX station