Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.
Set up a successful store – online or in-store. Get into the business of fashion apparel retailing. Examine forecasting and purchasing techniques and buying methods. Create a merchandise assortment plan complete with store layout and a supporting a six month financial plan and a marketing plan. You will learn to display your product to tell a compelling story. You will then manage profitability and have a solid understanding of retail math.
As a buyer, you will learn effective techniques for interacting with manufacturers and sales reps. You will create a merchandise assortment plan complete with store layout and a supporting a six month financial plan and a marketing plan. You will learn to manage profitability and have a solid understanding of retail math.
As sellers/vendors, you will understand market pricing and what stores/buyers are looking for. By the end of class, you will know how to close an order, negotiate terms, promote the line and make money.
During class you will:
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1 block north of NE 43rd & Sandy
BUS: #12 bus
MAX: 7 blocks from the Hollywood MAX station