Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.


Exclusive to PFI: Portland Fashion Exhibit with Marjorie Skinner
Portland Fashion in the Aughts with Marjorie Skinner

Portland Fashion in the Aughts with Marjorie Skinner

Do you love local fashion? Do you love sustainable design? Do you want to know what put Portland on the map as one of top fashion capitals in the United States?

Then you must see this exhibit “Portland Fashion in the Aughts” curated by Marjorie Skinner.

Marjorie is offering a special tour of the exhibit

Exclusive to Portland Fashion Institute students and staff:
Sunday, October 13, 1 pm
Portland State University Art Building
2000 SW 5th Avenue

The exhibit features 95 photos plus 5 archival videos, 16 newly filmed interviews, and 11 vintage ensembles from designers such as Seaplane, Church+State, Liza Rietz, Elizabeth Dye and more surprises.

Marjorie served for 14 years as managing editor and fashion writer for the Portland Mercury – the newspaper that serves as the setting for the TV show Shrill. She wrote a weekly design column and produced many fashion shows for Portland’s ultra-creative and hyper-original countercultural fashion — including Content at Ace Hotel. She went on to research global trends for Adidas and advise the Soho House Portland.

If you want to know anything and everyone who has created Portland fashion, she is the one to tell all.

The event is free but you must register. Park in the PSU parking garage or on the street. Marjorie begins her tour at 1 pm sharp. You will have time to dwell on the details after the tour.

Taught by: Marjorie Skinner, fashion editor, global trends visionary