Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022 — HEADS UP.  You will need to show your vaccine card if you come into PFI for in-person classes this Fall.  COVID infection numbers are up so let’s keep everyone safe.  If you haven’t been vaccinated or boosted yet, do it now.  It’s free. For details and vaccination locations, click here.

Think you have COVID?  Take a test.  Most pharmacies have COVID tests.  They are free too.  Order yours here.

Test positive?  Let the Registrar or instructor know.  You can complete online classes.  For in-person classes, use your handouts and supplies and guidance from your instructor.




Thursday, April 14, 2022 —

PFI extends mask mandate through May 3 amid COVID uptick 
Oregon dropped the mask mandate March 11.  All schools from PCC to PSU, OSU & UO dropped their mask mandate March 18.
However, PFI plans to follow CDC guidance and continue requiring masks of teachers, staff, students & customers for in-person visits until at least May 3 in light of the increase in Omicron BA.2 variant infections.  Don’t have a mask?  Ask for one when you come to PFI or PFI Supply.

Friday, March 11, 2022 — Please continue to wear your mask at PFI and PFI Supply.  To protect all of us, PFI stays in step with other major colleges in our area and asks that all teachers, staff and students who attend in-person classes be vaccinated against COVID-19.  PFI will check vax cards for all students, staff and instructors through at least April 15.

The COVID-19 vaccines have been proven safe and effective in preventing the spread of the coronavirus and are available for all Oregonians age 12 or older at no cost.  And PFI has many on-line classes from which to choose.

We’ll keep monitoring the situation and post updates here and on our websites.

Thanks to you following thru, we’ve all been able to #staysafe #stayhealthy #staycreative ♥️ 💪🧵

Q.  Oregon plans to lift mask mandates March 11, 11:59 pm.  Will I still have to show proof of vaccination?

A. Yes, all students attending in-person classes must be vaccinated. Oregon Health Authority is meeting with Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission to discuss rules for higher education schools after March 12.  We will report the results as soon as it is published.  Oregon HECC is PFI’s governing body; however, as a private business, PFI is free to set more stringent rules if needed.

Q.  Do students attending in-person classes have to be vaccinated for COVID-19?  What about booster shots?

A.  Yes, all students attending in-person classes must be vaccinated for COVID-19 per rules from Oregon Health Authority through the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission, PFI’s governing body.  All those eligible should get a booster shot. For details and vaccination locations, click here.

If students choose to not get vaccinated, they can take online classes.

Q.  Do I have to wear a face mask while inside PFI or PFI Supply even though I am vaccinated?

A.  Yes.  Until Oregon’s governor directs otherwise, all PFI and PFI Supply visitors must wear face masks covering the mouth and nose.

Q.   As a fully vaccinated student, if I am exposed to someone who contracts COVID-19, will I have to isolate or quarantine?
        If I get COVID-19 or have a positive test, even though I am vaccinated, will I have to isolate or quarantine?
        How long?

A.  You would need to get a test if you are in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or you contract COVID-19.
— If you are symptomatic, you will isolate or quarantine for 10 days.  You must test negative, then bring that test to PFI at the start of your next class.  You will wear your mask to class.
— If you are asymptomatic, you will isolate or quarantine for 5 days.  You must test negative, then bring that test to PFI at the start of your next class.  You will wear your mask to class.
Click here for test site locations and details or get your free tests here: https://www.covidtests.gov

Q.  How can I schedule a tour of PFI?

A.  Sorry, to err on the side of caution, we are not scheduling tours inside the buildings during the pandemic.  We encourage you to visit PFI’s Virtual Tour at PFI-TV on YouTube here.  Or call us at (503) 927-5457 with your questions.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 — If you have questions about COVID vaccinations and are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, the Center for Disease Control strongly urges you to get a COVID19 vaccination. The CDC in August made the same recommendation for immunocompromised persons.  For details, read here.


Monday, August 24, 2021 — PFI requires COVID-19 vaccinations for students, instructors and staff who learn, work or engage with others in-person during classes or PFI activities. Students are required to show their vaccination cards plus identification when entering PFI for their first class. All are required to wear masks while in their onsite PFI class. There are no exceptions.
PFI’s rule matches that of other higher education institutions in Oregon and guidance from Oregon’s governor and Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Today, the Food and Drug Administration gave full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. If you are not vaccinated, visit vaccines.gov to find your nearest vaccination site.

If this changes your plans to attend PFI this Fall, please contact the registrar immediately at info@pfi.edu

Customers entering PFI Supply are required to wear masks.


Monday, August 9, 2021 — Masks required for all entering PFI, PFI Supply

Multnomah County and Oregon this week have reinstated indoor mask mandates for all regardless of vaccination status as part of a new effort to combat a surge in COVID-19 cases.  In line with directions from Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission, PFI requires COVID-19 vaccinations for students and staff who learn, work or engage with others in-person during classes or institute activities. Students can comply with this policy by confirming their vaccination status as they enter the school for their classes.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021 — PFI students will continue to wear masks 

Oregon Governor Brown lifts the mask mandate starting tomorrow with her executive order.  Stores such as Fred Meyer and Costco say no masks for the vaccinated.  But PFI students sit close together for hours in an enclosed space, much like persons on an airplane.  PFI asks students and customers to keep masks on for now and until the end of Spring term, July 10.  If students and customers want to go unmasked, PFI asks them to continue wearing them in respect of others who may not yet be vaccinated.


Wednesday, May 19 2021 — Per the Oregon Health Authority.  PFI continues to require visitors to wear masks and remain socially distant, wash hands and use hand sanitizer.

“Fully-vaccinated individuals in Oregon are no longer required to wear a face mask or physically distance, whether indoors or outdoors, two weeks after their final COVID-19 vaccination dose.
Masks and social distancing are still required in the following places, regardless of vaccination status:

Public transportation, schools, hospitals and clinics, homeless shelters, youth and adult correctional facilities and long-term care facilities.”

Friday, April 30, 2021Per the Oregon Health Authority.

Today Governor Brown placed 15 Oregon counties in the extreme risk category for COVID-19 until June 28.  That includes Portland’s Multnomah County.  The governor’s announcement does not change activities for post-secondary education.

Per OHA:  “All Oregonians age 16 and older became eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine starting Monday, April 19. While the rollout of vaccines in Oregon is promising, it will take time to reach the level of community immunity we need to fully return to normal life. Until vaccines are widely available with high participation rates, the surest way to protect ourselves and others is to continue practicing health and safety measures.”

PFI students, instructors and staff get a temperature check when entering the PFI buildings.  They wear face masks or face coverings with or without a face shield.  They maintain at least six feet of physical distance, practice hand hygiene and use enhanced cleaning protocols.


March 26, 2021 — Per guidelines from Oregon Health Authority.

Even though more people are getting vaccinated, PFI remains aware of those who haven’t and are still vulnerable to the coronavirus. PFI still requires masks for all those in the school and the store, PFI Supply. Students, teachers and customers must stay 6 feet apart. No tours or unannounced visitors to either location. Per the Oregon Health Authority (OHA):
• People must wear a mask or face covering, with or without a face shield, whenever they are within six (6) feet of people who do not live in the same household.
• Individuals cannot wear a face shield instead of a mask or face covering.

PFI looks to the OHA and the Centers for Disease Control for rules and updates.


November 2, 2020 — Per guidelines from Oregon Health Authority, PFI sent this notice to all in-person classes:

As COVID-19 cases spike in Oregon and the holidays approach, let’s not let our guard down against COVID-19.  After consulting with health authorities and our accrediting agency, we are adding the following to our COVID-19 rules.
Please quarantine yourself and get a COVID-19 test if you:
— Attend any parties or gatherings
— Travel, particularly out of your state
— Find that you have been exposed to someone with coronavirus
— Are feeling the symptoms of coronavirus
 If you need to miss classes, please contact us to discuss a leave of absence and/or how make up for missed classes.
We are all in this together.  Together, we can make it through.  Thank you for helping us to #staystrong #stayhealthy #staycreative #sewsafely


July 22, 2020 — Using guidelines from Oregon Health Authority, PFI has resumed some in-person classes (to join its online classes).  Here are the rules:


If you are registered for a class, look for more details by direct e-mail.


June 1, 2020, noon — In these crazy times, we are sending you a note to let you know that PFI is still in good shape and going strong. We are keeping a close eye on Oregon’s plans to reopen Multnomah County and schools such as PFI.

When we do re-open, we will follow guidelines from Oregon Health Authority and CDC to keep everyone safe and in a positive learning environment. As soon as Oregon lets us reopen, you will instantly get a note from us.

In the meanwhile, our online classes continue. That’s thanks to you, our technical support staff and our wonderful teachers. PFI Supply remains closed except for online purchases for pickup or mailing.

We will see you soon.

#staystrong #stayhealthy #staycreative ♥️


May 14, 2020, noon — Following today’s news conference with Oregon Governor Kate Brown, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on our plans regarding the reopening of PFI and PFI Supply.  As of this date, Multnomah County, where PFI is located, has not applied to the state of Oregon or OHA for approval to reopen.  PFI and PFI Supply remain online only.  Any decision to reopen would be made following approval and guidance from Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission.


April 29, 2020, noon — PFI Online classes start the week of May 4. These classes include Draping, Fashion Illustration, Pattern 2 and Textiles. If you haven’t completed your registration or received your confirmation note, contact the registrar immediately at candice@portlandfashioninstitute.com If you need supplies, visit pfisewing.com to shop then receive by pick up or shipping.

April 13, 2020, 10 am — PFI Online classes resume May 4. In person classes resume July 1 (with the approval of the Oregon Health Authority). PFI Supply is closed. Our online store is open: pfisewing.com Order for shipping or pickup
#staysafe #stayhealthy #staycreative #wewillsurvive

March 19, 2020, 10 am — PFI and PFI Supply are closed.  The remaining Winter term sessions are either going online or being postponed to Spring term.  Current students are being notified directly by e-mail.  Start of Spring term is postponed until May 4.  Enrollees’ final Winter term projects are due Saturday, May 9 or as arranged by individual instructors.  Oregon Governor Kate Brown has closed schools, including private career schools such as PFI and all non-essential retail, such as PFI Supply, until April 28.


March 15, 2020, 5 pm — In line with OHA advice, PFI is making changes to the remaining two weeks of its Winter term classes:

Lecture/illustration/computer classes are going online starting Monday, March 16.  This includes:  Fashion Illustration, Branding, Concept & Development, Adobe and Overseas Production.
  Current students: Look for a message from your teacher on how to take part in your class.  Plan to turn in your final projects online to your teachers as they direct.
For all other, hands-on classes, PFI is closed.  Current students:  Please use your patterns, handouts and textbooks to continue working on the final steps of your project, if possible.
  You will get six hours of Open Sewing time per class to work on your final projects as soon as PFI and Oregon schools reopen.  Open Sewing now takes place Mondays, 2-5 pm and Saturdays, 10 am-1 pm.
  Please e-mail any questions you may have during your regularly scheduled class time to info@portlandfashioninstitute.com.
Enrollees:  Please turn in your projects for grade on the Saturday two weeks after PFI reopens.  You have access to your evaluation sheets through your enrollee portal; use it as a checklist for what you need to turn in.
— As of this moment, Oregon’s school closure ends March 31.  PFI plans to start Spring term April 6 after its Spring Break. We will let you know of any changes.
PFI Supply is closed.  The online store is open: portlandfashioninstitute.com/shop
If anything changes, PFI will let current teachers, staff and students know by e-mail immediately and post a notice here.

March 13, 2020, 5 pm — For the last two weeks of Winter term, March 16-28:
— Portland Fashion Institute has moved its lecture/computer classes online.
— PFI instructors are organizing classwork to complete instruction for hands-on classes and labs as quickly as possible.

Oregon’s public schools closure ends Tuesday, March 31.  PFI Spring term starts April 6 after its Spring Break.

All current students and instructors have been notified.  Stay tuned to this site for updates.


March 13, 2020, 11 am –PFI is open.  Winter classes are continuing through the end of the term on Saturday, March 28.  Spring classes will start Monday, April 6 after Spring Break.

Those of you in lecture/computer classes may be going online.  Look for messages from your instructors.  Otherwise, if you are sick, please stay home.  You can always make up your class by registering for an open sew or private lesson when you get better.
If anything changes, we will let teachers, staff and current students know by e-mail immediately.  We also post notices here.
Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay calm.  We will survive!


March 13, 2020, 8 am. — Late on Thursday, March 12, Oregon governor Kate Brown ordered the state’s PUBLIC schools to cancel classes through March 31 in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus.  However, Ben Cannon executive director of Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission, has asked:

1.      At this time, colleges and universities should work to preserve the continuity of essential academic operations and other supports for students. Colleges and universities should continue to consult with local and state health authorities regarding any closure decisions.
2.      Colleges and universities should shift instruction to remote/online learning options wherever feasible. Where this shift is not feasible (eg labs, CTE courses, other), they should employ social distancing practices and other mitigation practices recommended by the Governor’s guidance.
3.      Colleges and universities should cancel non-essential school-associated gatherings and group activities that do not allow for individuals to maintain a distance of three feet or more from one other.
4.      Colleges and universities should cancel audience admission at intercollegiate athletics and activities, except for student participants, essential personnel, and credentialed media.
HECC governs PFI.  Please know that your teachers clean high-touch surfaces (e.g., tables, handles, light switches) between classes and our cleaning staff disinfects the school each week.  Please wash your hands or use our hand sanitizer frequently.
PFI has postponed its 10th anniversary and Design Week Portland events.  It is exploring options for online classes while making sure students get the learning they deserve.  Teachers are talking directly to students then coordinating with staff to make any changes.  These changes will be shared here as soon as arranged.


March 12, 2020 — In light of Oregon Governor Brown’s Thursday, March 12 announcement about COVID-19, Portland Fashion Institute remains open with some adjustments. Brown said public schools should remain open. But she said all non-essential school-associated gatherings and group activities — such as parent group meetings, field trips and competitions — should be cancelled.

PFI teachers will explore whether students can complete Winter Term class tasks early or they can take class work on line. PFI’s “Celebrate Portland Fashion” 10th anniversary event has been postponed to August 1.

PFI Spring Break is scheduled for March 30-April 4.

Spring term is scheduled to begin Monday, April 6.


March 11, 2020 — As the United States and rest of the world deal with the outbreak of COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, Portland Fashion Institute is closely monitoring the situation and notices from the Oregon governor’s office, Portland Community College and Portland Public Schools.

PFI encourages students and staff to remain home while ill and practice social distancing. It reinforces handwashing, cleans high-touch surfaces between classes and deep cleans each week.

On Sunday, March 8, 2020, the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education announced guidance for responding to COVID-19 cases in Oregon schools. You can read the guidance in full by clicking here.

Please visit this site for updates. PFI will notify staff, current instructors and current students by e-mail of any changes to classes.