Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.
Make a pair of pants that will flatter your figure! Choose from one of four styles. Learn all about fitting pants to you. Stitch four different kinds of seams, two kinds of zippers and four kinds of pockets. Choose the waist (high, faced or low-rise), leg (skinny, straight or flared) and length (full-length or capris). Your choice of #2100 Paris straight legs with high waist option, #2200 Hepburn flare pants,#2300 Cabaret skinny jeans — OR —
Make pants, trousers (#2500) with all the menswear details: Welt pockets in back, slant pockets in front a faced fly, waistband curtain and partial lining as found in all well-made men’s pants. Learn fitting tips for men. Straight legged jeans too (#2315).
Prerequisite: Apparel Construction
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1 block north of NE 43rd & Sandy
BUS: #12 bus
MAX: 7 blocks from the Hollywood MAX station