Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.
You can’t patent a design but you can patent a textile or a component. Learn how to create your own and how to use them. These are the hot new jobs in the apparel industry! Understand how fiber-based products are manufactured, with a practical view of how to combine new elements such as polymers, dyes, ceramics and nanotechnology with fibers for unique new product development. Experience hands-on exercises and demonstrations of how key textile and fiber-based products are manufactured.
Hybrid class: Attend class online or in-person.
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About the Instructor:
Ajay Chadha possesses two decades of materials industry experience in polymers, fiber spinning, textiles, leather,and metals. With a master’s from North Carolina State College of Textiles, he has worked in roles across the breadth of materials innovation, including for brands such as Nike and Coach. Currently director of materials innovation and sustainability for REI, Chadha leads eco-conscious initiatives, contributing to the industry’s growth and commitment to sustainable practices.
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1 block north of NE 43rd & Sandy
BUS: #12 bus
MAX: 7 blocks from the Hollywood MAX station