Portland Fashion Institute is a nationally accredited private nonprofit career institute of higher learning and Portland’s only accredited fashion design college.
Students will produce 2 bras — underwire, wireless — and 3 panties.
Learn about different types of bras, fabric & notions, fit, style lines and construction methods. Learn to draft and sew your own custom sized bra. Learn how to properly draft and sew a custom panty to flatter any body size and shape. Sew several types of panties with tricot, lace and stretch. End with your own personal design, pattern & panty.
Prerequisites: Lingerie. NOTE: This is an advanced class. You must be a confident sewist(s), and comfortable sewing an underwire bra and panties; this often would be your homework. It helps if you have pattern drafting skills so you can follow instructions during class.
There is not a Supply List for every class. If you do not see a link below, then this class does not have a Supply List.
1 block north of NE 43rd & Sandy
BUS: #12 bus
MAX: 7 blocks from the Hollywood MAX station